Montag, 20. Februar 2017

Climbing in Ticino

The year started great! In 2017 LOWA will be on my side as a sponsoring partner, more important they will provide me with climbing shoes, after hands it's the most important tools of a climber! In january I was able to go to one of the most famous bouldering areas in switzerland, and beeing honest one of the most beautiful too. Due to the freezing temperatures Ticino valley wasn’t as comfortable as we are used to in our climbing gyms, but it was just perfect for rockclimbing. I went there with Robin Henon, a well known routesetter from Chamonix, who has known this area for years.

In the beginning it’s always hard to climb precisely and do the hard and crimpy moves on boulders, so we needed some hours to be calibrated for this action. The first day was quite succesfull and I had some fun exploring the sector of Schattental, Chironico and some others. During our stay temperature was rising so we got the chance to do some harder lines like „Boogalagga“ 8b or „happy birthday toto“ 8a+, „Schule des Lebens“ 8b and „Rah Plat Plat“ 8a. Reflecting this trip it was totally worth persisting the cold and wet conditions, unfortunately also one of us was hurt by a bad fall. 

In this month I also did some interviews with Jürgen Reis from and I had some intentions to write down „the perfect day of training“. My goal is to compare it to last year and also beeing able to criticize myself after a year has passed. So enjoy reading and in april next interview is coming out (it‘s also published in